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What happens after a SSDI benefits claim is denied?

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2023 | Uncategorized |

Most adults take great pride in their ability to support themselves and their families. They work hard for every paycheck and have ambitions to increase their income by developing their careers. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to achieve those goals. Sometimes, successful professionals become unable to work due to medical issues. They may begin displaying symptoms of a degenerative medical condition. They could also experience a sudden medical incident like a stroke, or they might get hurt in a car crash or criminal incident.

Those who can no longer work because of health issues may have few options for maintaining their standard of living. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are often the last resort for independent hard-working professionals. Many of the people who apply get rejected. What happens after a SSDI application is denied?

People can appeal

The Social Security Administration (SSA) processes many benefits claims every day, and sometimes the workers at the organization make mistakes. They deny claims from applicants who have qualifying conditions and who truly cannot support themselves anymore. Those individuals may need to initiate an appeal. The SSDI appeals process begins with a reconsideration. Workers at the SSA who did not review the initial application can look over someone’s application and any corrected paperwork or additional evidence they submitted after their rejection. Sometimes, reconsideration leads to people getting benefits.

Other times, Mississippi applicants can request a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. A judge can review someone’s claim and may even hear testimony from experts before determining whether or not someone should receive benefits. Hearings can potentially lead to someone receiving benefits in the future. They can also receive backdated benefits in a lump sum to compensate them for the months they went without SSDI benefits during their appeal. Those back-dated benefits are one reason why it is usually preferable to appeal rather than to reapply after a denied SSDI benefits claim.

The average person struggling with a debilitating medical condition does not have the energy to learn as much as may be necessary to successfully appeal an SSDI benefits denial. Learning the basics and getting the right support by seeking legal guidance can make all the difference for those who are coping with a disabling medical condition and worried about their finances.