Personal bankruptcy exists to help people regain control of their finances and move past a short-term period of financial hardship. Without bankruptcy, a job loss or medical emergency could cause someone to struggle financially for the rest of their life. Bankruptcy...
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Month: October 2023
What kinds of debt can I discharge through bankruptcy?
Many people see consumer bankruptcy as a cure-all for their debt problems. While it's true that you can eliminate or greatly reduce many common kinds of debt through Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, some debts are not eligible. You will almost certainly have to...
Do workers qualify for SSDI benefits if they’re too ill or injured to work?
Every paycheck that a worker in the United States earns generally has funds withheld from it to cover payroll taxes. In addition to making contributions for income taxes, workers have to contribute to the Social Security program with each check they earn. Most workers...